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Digitalno tržno komuniciranje alkoholnih pijač v Sloveniji – pregled stanja, zakonodaje in izzivov

Professional Article

Digitalno tržno komuniciranje alkoholnih pijač v Sloveniji – pregled stanja, zakonodaje in izzivov

Professional Article


Sandra Radoš Krnel, Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje ,

Maja Roškar,

Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje


The emergence of digital media has offered new opportunities for digital marketing of alcohol. Alcohol industry quickly followed the development of digital media; they have found that people increasingly use the possibilities of communication and entertainment enabled by digital media, and have therefore channelled their resources into digital marketing and advertising of alcohol. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing offers new opportunities to promote ongoing involvement and individually targeted interactions with potential consumers. In Slovenia the advertising of alcohol is regulated by the Act Regulating the Sanitary Suitability of Foodstuff, Products and Materials Coming into Contact with Foodstuffs (ZZUZIS-A), which was adopted in 2002 and applies only to those digital marketing channels that were developed until 2002. The limitation of advertising on digital marketing channels is not included in ZZUZIS-A and is currently covered only in the Slovenian Advertising Code (SOK), which is a self-regulatory tool and as such is not binding, namely this is a system by which the advertising industry itself sets the limits of responsible advertising. Therefore, the current legislation in Slovenia is insufficient and does not adequately restrict the digital marketing of alcohol.


  • alcohol
  • dgital marketing
  • legislation